Dr. Ravid Doron
Senior Lecturer
The Open University of Israel
Dr. Ravid Doron is a Senior lecturer at the Education and psychology department in The Open University of Israel. He joined the faculty in October 2019. Prior to this appointment, He was a Senior lecturer in the Academic college of Tel Aviv Jaffa in Israel in addition to the position of Courses Coordinator of Honor student in Psycho biology and psychology and behavior that held since 2001 in the Open University. His current laboratory focuses on develop novel herbal treatments for depression and anxiety disorders based on herbal medicines. We use animal models, and investigate the behavioral, peripheral and brain biological mechanism underlying depression and anxiety. My overall goal is to pursue research that aims to deepen our understanding on the development of psychiatric diseases, in order to generate a significant impact through translating ideas into clinical reality.
Research Interest
Develop novel herbal treatments for depression and anxiety disorders based on herbal medicines; Deepen our understanding on the development of psychiatric diseases, in order to generate a significant impact through translating ideas into clinical reality; Using animal models, investigate the behavioral, peripheral and brain biological mechanism underlying depression and anxiety.